Mississippi Women in the Lead – 2024 Cohort

Mindy Brown
Yazoo City
Mindy Brown is the State Growth Coordinator for CASA Mississippi, where her job is to help communities start CASA programs to advocate for children who enter the court system because of an allegation of abuse or neglect. Prior to joining CASA Mississippi, she held a variety of positions focused on children and young adults. She was the director of training for the Southern Region of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. She also taught on the Mississippi Delta and in a remote, Yupik Eskimo village on the Bering Sea in Alaska.
Mindy earned a MA in English Literature from Northwestern State University of Louisiana, and a BA in History from the State University of New York, College at Cortland.
When she’s not working, Mindy likes to tend the beehives and numerous flower and vegetable gardens on the organic farm she shares with her husband.