
Improving Mississippi by improving the lives of women and girls
Education & Careers
We award hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to local community colleges and early education programs to broaden access to opportunity and increase self-sufficiency. Women have a greater opportunity for economic security when they have access to degree and skills training programs.
We open more doors for more women by funding programs that offer career guidance and access to educational and skills-training opportunities needed to pursue those careers. Our research-based methods have already helped hundreds of women reach a brighter future.
Two-Generation Approach
We work for Mississippi women at every stage of life, regardless of age. Our two-generation approach starts with quality childcare and early education opportunities, and continues through graduation and career training.
The Women’s Foundation uses a two-generation approach to provide opportunities for and meet the needs of parents and their children together. We help mothers and guardians further their education and career training, while providing necessary childcare and early education to their children and grandchildren. With opportunity more readily available, multiple generations of Mississippi women can create paths to success.
Healthy Women
Mississippi ranks #2 in the nation for teen pregnancy. We know that teen pregnancy can alter a young woman’s path, particularly her education opportunities and career potential. And, according to research done by WFM, the high rate of teen pregnancy costs the state $155 million in lost economic potential every year.
We award hundreds of thousands of dollars to groups providing Mississippi’s young women with facts about sexual health and birth control to address this issue and help young women on their individual paths to economic security.
We also have developed a website to counteract prevalent sexual myths and spark conversation through social media. The results have contributed to a significant decrease in our state’s teen pregnancy rate, but there’s still more work to be done.
Get Involved
Vote in every election. Voting for issues that affect women and girls moves Mississippi in a positive direction for all of us. Stay up to date on your local ballot, and connect with issues that are important to you and your community. Learn more here.
Follow us on social media and join our e-mail list to stay up to date on what we’re doing. We offer multiple opportunities throughout the year to connect with changemakers who are improving lives across the state!
Attend a program near you – from discussion about today’s most pressing issues to topics like work-life balance and mindfulness, we offer a range of events to get engaged and meet a tribe of amazing women and men throughout Mississippi.