Stay Engaged: Easy Impacts You Can Make on the 2024 Mississippi Legislative Session

January 5, 2024 - General News, Newsroom - Posted by

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Every year, representatives from districts across the state of Mississippi convene in the capital city to write and debate the laws and policies that govern our everyday lives. The results of this year’s legislative session can drive significant changes for Mississippi’s women and girls. With needs like addressing the health care crisis, education funding, and the ballot initiative, there is no shortage of important issues that affect the daily lives of families in Mississippi. 

You can make legislators aware of what challenges are affecting your local community and monitor how legislators vote. 

Keep these tips and resources in mind as our state navigates the legislative process this year:

Learn who your elected officials are

Use a website like My Reps to learn who all of your elected officials are at city, county, state, and federal levels. During the legislative session, you’ll want to pay the most attention to your state senator and state representative, as they are your most direct representation within state government. Write down their contact information and follow them on social media.

Get & Stay Engaged

Keep tabs with local news sources and advocacy groups on issues that matter to you and see which bills to watch during the legislative process. Contact your representative, introduce yourself as a constituent, and let them know how you feel about bills that are important to you. Legislative office reception staff are friendly and will take your message. 

Once you know a bill’s number, you can search for them on the Mississippi Legislature’s website and learn about what they do and how they will impact the state. This website also offers livestream access to hearings and committee meetings as they occur. 

Keep Tabs on Voting

Get a play-by-play of how your representative is voting using this database. Stay in contact with him or her throughout the session and let them know what you think of their votes, and which bills matter to you. When elections happen, consider how your representative voted and if it was in accordance with your interests.  

Go Deeper

If you feel like you may want to run for elected office in Mississippi, subscribe to our email list for updates on opportunities to get involved! We offer workshops and programs like the Women’s Policy Institute that inspire and equip the next generation of leaders in our state. 


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