Mississippi Women in the Lead FAQs

General Program Information 

Q: Who is eligible for this program? 
A: The program is designed for all women, especially women of color, who are interested in running for office at any level—from local to federal, with a preference for the state legislative level. No prior political experience is required. 

Q: What does the program cover? 
A: The program covers a wide range of topics, including campaign strategy, fundraising, media relations, public speaking, voter outreach, and leadership development. 

Q: How long is the program? 
A: The program typically lasts four months and includes a combination of in-person workshops, virtual learning, and one-on-one coaching. 

Q: What is the cost of the program? 
A: The program is FREE! The MWL program is offered free of charge. MWL is committed to eliminating financial barriers to access. MWL will cover childcare expenses, if needed. If childcare is a barrier, please indicate this need on your application. MWL will provide hotel accommodation and mileage reimbursements (upon completion of a W-9 form and other documentation if needed for in-person meetings. Meals will be provided during in-person trainings, meetings, and events. Participants are required to have computer and internet access. If this is a barrier, please indicate this need on your application. Participants who satisfy program requirements will be eligible to receive a $2,500.00 fellowship stipend. 

Application and Selection Process 

Q: What is the criteria for this program? 
A: “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Anyone who has a heart to serve their community through leadership meets our criteria. 

Q: What is an employer support letter?
A: We want to ensure that your employer fully supports your participation in this program. In-person weekends may require time away from work, and we want to ensure that you are not penalized. Please include a letter from your employer, on company letterhead and with their signature, acknowledging their awareness of your participation in the program and expressing their full support. 

Here is a template that can be provided to your employer/supervisor.

Q: How many participants will be selected for the program? 
A: The number of participants selected may vary each year based on program capacity and resources. We are seeking 30 candidates in this year’s cohort. 

Q: What is the selection process for the program? 
A: Applications will be reviewed by a committee, and selected applicants may be invited for an interview. Final decisions will be based on the applicant’s potential for leadership and commitment to public service. 

Q: Is this program limited to those only wanting to run for state or local government elected positions? 
A: No, this program is not limited to those aspiring to run for state or local office. While our primary aim is to prepare women for state office elections in 2027, we welcome women who are interested in running for elected positions (e.g., school board) at all levels in Mississippi. 

Q: Can I reapply if I am not selected this year? 
A: Yes, applicants who are not selected are encouraged to reapply in future years. 

Program Structure and Content 

Q: What kind of support will I receive during the program? 
A: Participants may receive support for travel, hotel accommodation, as well as meals and incidentals. 

Q: What can participants expect regarding the actual training? 
A: You will have access to experienced mentors, campaign consultants, and other professionals who can provide guidance and support throughout the program. 

Q: Are there any specific requirements for attending the in-person training sessions? 
A: Participants are expected to attend all in-person training sessions unless there are extenuating circumstances. Travel and accommodation support may be available. 

Q: How will virtual learning sessions be conducted? 
A: Virtual learning sessions will be conducted via a secure online platform. Participants will need reliable internet access and a device capable of video conferencing. 

Q: What type of time commitment is required outside of scheduled training sessions? 
A: Participants are expected to complete assigned readings, participate in group projects, and engage in additional learning activities outside of scheduled training sessions. 

Q: Will I have opportunities to network with other women candidates? 
A: Yes, the program includes networking events and opportunities to connect with other women who are running for office and current elected officials. 

Q: What kind of skills will I develop through the program? 
A: You will develop a variety of skills, including leadership, communication, problem-solving, and strategic planning. 

Q: What are the program’s expectations for participants after completion? 
A: Participants are encouraged to run for office, support other women candidates, and stay engaged with the program’s network and alumni activities. 

Q: Is there any follow-up or feedback process for improving the program? 
A: Yes, participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback through surveys and debrief sessions to help improve the program for future cohorts. 

Q: Will there be opportunities for participants to practice campaign skills in real-life scenarios? 
A: Yes, the program includes practical exercises and simulations to help participants apply their learning in real-life campaign scenarios. 

Running for Office 

Q: Will the program help me decide which office to run for? 
A: Yes, the program will provide tools and resources to help you identify potential offices and assess your candidacy. 

Q: What kind of support will I receive after completing the program? 
A: The program offers ongoing support, including access to a network of alumni, campaign resources, and mentorship opportunities. 

Q: Can I participate in the program if I’m already running for office? 
A: Yes, the program can be adapted to fit the needs of candidates who are already on the campaign trail. 

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