Plan A’s mobile clinics provide free healthcare services to communities across the Mississippi Delta. Grants from the Women’s Foundation will support the operation of the free mobile and brick and mortar clinic.
The SPACE (Safe Place And Care for Everyone) Project targets women and children of all ages and provides resources to boost women’s health. The SPACE focuses primarily on women who have health complications, face financial hardship, or may have high-risk pregnancies. The resource center provides vaccinations, wellness care, and educational resources to help women make […]
The Cary Christain Center’s vision is to break the cycles of poverty through relationships; to build serious and significant relationships that are based on biblical principles; and to build relationships with individuals through the various ministries by becoming involved in their lives which ultimately leads them to making healthy choices. With the help of grant […]
Connect2MCC is a program generated with a two-generation approach in order to help female MCC students with children access the tools they need to graduate on time. Connect2MCC pairs students with a supportive mentor and also gives students a $250 stipend to cover childcare, textbooks, or other supplies.
Created by the Madison County Youth Court, Madison County Jobs4Youth aims to help young people in the justice system have a better future. With support from community volunteers, partnering organizations, and grant funds from The Women’s Foundation, Jobs4Youth provides educational resources for juveniles to use to obtain their High School Equivalency Diploma, career readiness certificates, […]
The University of Mississippi’s William Magee Center developed the Transforming Healthy Relationships in Various Environments (THRIVE) Program in order to increase awareness around domestic violence and share resources that inform university students on healthy relationship behaviors.
Hosted by Teen Health Mississippi and their partners, the Mobilizing Youth Summit (MYSummit) is an annual event that provides young people with an opportunity to increase awareness around issues impacting youth in their communities. MYSummit equips young people with the skills and tools they need to build local outreach campaigns, practice advocacy, and raise awareness […]
Founded in 2009, the Magnolia Medical Foundation (MMF) is a community-based organization focused on providing preventive health services to high risk and underserved individuals and communities in Mississippi. At the end of 2021, MMF opened an office in Jackson, MS and began a program called Safe Place and Care for Everyone (SPACE). This program, supported […]
The Cary Christain Center’s vision is to break the cycles of poverty through relationships; to build serious and significant relationships that are based on biblical principles; and to build relationships with individuals through the various ministries by becoming involved in their lives which ultimately leads them to making healthy choices. With the help of grant […]
Based in Booneville, MS, Strategic Solutions for Families, Inc. provides resources, programs, and activities that empower children, teens, adults, and community-focused organizations in order to promote economic stability across the state. With grant funds totaling $25,000, Strategic Solutions was able to create Solid Ground Ready 4 Life, an initiative that increased access to community and […]
Single Stop is a program offered to students at Hinds Community College who are facing financial insecurity. Single Stop services are free and include a wide variety of resources including financial planning, transportation, health insurance, and even mental health care. Grants from The Women’s Foundation helped to support and build out more resources for HCC […]
The Bower Scholars Program supports students in completing their nursing and healthcare workforce related degrees on time. The project will increase the graduation rates of nursing and health-related students, ultimately bolstering Mississippi’s hospitals, health facilities, and medical centers. This year’s cohort includes: – Alcorn State University – Coahoma Community College – Copiah Lincoln Community College […]