The proposed project – Healthy Girls, Powerful Women, Strong Communities – will build on the impactful work Spring has established in the last 8 years while further enhancing its effectiveness. The intervention efforts Spring students receive on a daily and long-term basis are designed to provide them with access to opportunity, a vision for a […]
The Department of Health Promotion and Wellness proposes a sexual health empowerment program to meet the needs of our college students by providing campaigns, programs, lunch and learns, workshops, and free and/or reduced STI testing. The program would include health service volunteers, graduate assistants, student association health and wellness council, Greek life council, and athletes […]
The Encouraging Responsible and Informed Choices: Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program is designed to support healthy physical and social environments and healthy behaviors through informing and educating adolescents concerning risky sexual behaviors, unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted disease prevention. This program will utilize the evidence-based abstinence plus Making Proud Choices curriculum, endorsed by the United States […]
“Back Off Baby: I’m in College” will utilize a holistic approach to wrap around services that will address the “whole woman” utilizing a four-topic framework: policy & system change, sexual health services, information/education and accessibility to affordable reproductive healthcare. Hind Community College proposes to: Establish a female student council that will serve as the advocate […]
The Raising Mothers to Rise (RMR) program provides pregnant teens and parenting teen mothers with education and support regarding pregnancy prevention, maternal and fetal outcomes, and education. The services provided by the RMR Program are centered around a weekly class meeting that is consistent throughout the calendar year. The class meeting is for both mothers […]
Delta Health Center will partner with community and school-based organizations who already serve adolescents, to provide Teen Clinics at their community and school locations. The clinics will facilitate an evidence-based curriculum intended to reduce teen pregnancy, HIV, and STDs, utilizing a Sexual Health Educator trained in a variety of age-appropriate, interactive curricula, providing the ability […]
Cary Christian Center proposes a program intended to give teenagers and young women and men the interpersonal awareness, communication skills and knowledge necessary to develop a positive self-image and to avoid relationships that lead to unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and unhealthy relationships. Implementation of the research-based approach called Love Notes 3.0 will provide the […]
Children of incarcerated parents are significantly more likely than are other children to drop out of school, to have difficulty securing employment once their education is complete, to participate in abusive and violent relationships, and to face arrest and incarceration themselves as adults. The proposed program is the only one of its kind that addresses […]
Tutwiler Community Education Center will: Teach two generations to quilt and become entrepreneurs Recruit 10 single mothers and their children – ages 12-16 years old Increase the quilting knowledge of program participants Teach participants how to make quilting items Increase access to financial literacy and entrepreneurship education Increase program participant’s knowledge on how to market […]